Jan 7, 2007

Hajj: The Essential Journey ( CNN )

Watch online CNN's report on Hajj 2006-2007
Hajj: The Essential Journey
More than 2 million Muslims from more than 70 countries journey to the holy city of Mecca to make the spiritual pilgrimage known as The Hajj. The pilgrimage is one of the five Pillars of Islam that form the framework of Islamic life. It is a journey that all Muslims who are physically and financially able are expected to undertake at least once. This year, The Hajj began on December 28 and ended on January 2.
Download or watch online islamic video documentary about islam muslim moslem from bbc cnn natinal geographic abcnews channel 4 rte

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother please can you make Hadith sahih bukhari and sahih muslim all volumes on psp too like you made the quran please and e-mail me about it at moafroballer@hotmail.co.uk

May allah grant you jannah inshaAllah ameen.